Our Vision
“To be and make disciples
in authentic community
for the good of the world,
in the presence and power of Jesus.”
To be and make disciples – We envision men, women, and children who live as deeply devoted students of Jesus. They are becoming real – transformed from the inside out. They live in this world, but belong to another. They are learning to live their lives as Jesus would live them, and are free from legalistic rule-keeping, phony posturing, plastic spirituality, attempts to earn the favor of God and people, and from bashing themselves and others. Their lives result in others becoming followers of Jesus as well.
In authentic community – We envision a loving, authentic community of people who want to come closer to God. They do life deeply together. They have been immersed in the reality of the Trinity, and are part of the great family of saints that transcends the bounds of race, gender, age, social status, culture, and time. They journey together, encouraging, challenging, carrying, and pushing one another. They are deeply aware that they have received compassion from God, and they give it generously to everyone they encounter.
For the good of the world – We envision an outward-focused community, eagerly looking to share what they have received. Their lives overflow in compassionate service and in the proclamation of the good news of Jesus: that the Kingdom of God is available to all! They are ambassadors of God’s Kingdom, placed in society as students, teachers, laborers, and professionals. They carry Christ with them into every area of life. Their unique giftedness is used to carry out God’s mission in the local church, and in numerous churches planted, from the South Bay to the farthest corners of the planet.
In the presence and power of Jesus – We envision people who live an authentic spirituality, intimately connected to Jesus. The real and present life of Christ alive in them is transforming them into the people God always envisioned them to be. They move in the strength of the Spirit, carrying out God’s purposes for them and growing in love with God and with people. They live with grateful hearts, as those who have learned how to receive a gift. Their thankfulness spills out in awe-filled lives of passionate worship and an outflowing of God’s grace.
Our Core Values
biblical (up) – God has revealed himself through the Scriptures, which are our source of authority for life and worship
devotional (in) – nothing is more important than a love relationship with Jesus
missional (out) – mission is why the church exists
connectional (together) – authentic, loving community is the context for mission
bravehearts – courageous faith
contextualization – cultural relevance is not optional
grace-full – we will live in the abundant grace of God, freely receiving it and freely giving it away